Bromo Tengger Semeru

TENGGER HIGHLAND: An ancient caldera; the highest one in Java. Right in the middle of a sea of sand stands four peaks of mountains. According to Esther (1980 et all) formerly Mount Tengger was a very large mountain with a peak of 4.000 meters above sea level. About one and a half million years ago a very large caldera of 8-10 km Mount Tengger; there was a major explosion which formed activities did not stop.
Now the remains of the previous mountain are there to see in the highlands such as: Mt. Bromo (2.392m), Mt. Batok (2.400m), Mt. Widodaren (2.614 m), Mt. Watangan (2.601 m), Mt. Kursi (2.581 m), and wide laut Pasir (sea of sand) caused by its eruption.

Tengger highland itself consists of some beautiful attractions can't be miss such as Tengger Caldera. Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is popular because of its unique and spectacular natural phenomena and it is easy to enjoy it from a relatively close position.

“Sempu” The Undiscovered Island

“Sempu” The Undiscovered Island

Find it virgin, clean, calm, and absolutely beautiful it should be the first sight of Sempu Exotic Island. Peaceful place, isolated from outside world then it would be your next destination on your Marvelous Malang travel. The lagoon which called Segara Anakan in the middle of Sempu Island will remind you on the Glenrock (Australia), it have white sand, blue calm clear water, high rock on the other side with splashing water from the Indian Ocean will give you the best feeling you ever had.
Sempu Island actually is a natural conservation area which is located on Tambakrejo village, Sumbermanjing Wetan (about 60 km from Malang). Find also the wild life just like deer’s, black monkeys, boars, and panthers. You can find this natural island by boat trip from Sendang Biru Beach the largest fish landing spot along the southern beach of Java Island.
One of the best Ecotourism spot of Java Island is Sempu Island, it also be the place to preserve the wild life in it. The topography of the island is for almost 50% made up of hilly plains, with slopes ranging from average to steep, at altitudes of 50 to 100 meters above sea level.
Find the best ecotourism spot with a real adventure, no electricity, no signal for your cell phone, sun block is important, outdoor camping utilities need here, and also bring your own drinking water.

Find more interesting Indonesia Tourism Spot just see our website Malang Emporium


Traditonal Cruise and/ or River Cruise: a proposal based on Historical and Cultural Background

Traditonal Cruise and/ or River Cruise: a proposal based on Historical and Cultural Background

Presented by Harry Waluyo
ASEAN Cruise Working Group in Lao PDR, 23 April 2008

Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia are rooted from Austronesia language groups; Viet Nam, Thai, Khmer, Myanmar, Lao are part of Mon-Khmer language groups. Those language groups are rooted from Proto-Austronesia since 5 thousand years ago.
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