Heritage Tour on Ancient Mojokerto

Mojokerto is the witness of greatest and glorious Majapahit Kingdom, the artifact sites of the Majapahit Hindhu Kingdom (XIII-XVI century) are closely set and many temples could be found in this place especially in Trowulan area. Let we take you to Trowulan Archaeological Museum, it displays the remains of Majapahit Hindhu Kingdom. We will take you to the Segaran Pool which it have story about the golden dishes, based on the story golden dishes which the guest had used then were thrown away into the pool by the King. This is just to show the King’s richness. After that we will take you to the Pendopo Agung Trowulan which is strongly predicted as the main building of Majapahit Palace.

Bajang Ratu Temple, is the next spot. It is a sample of the gateway during that time, it is a pleasing temple for you. And now is about Tikus Temple, this could be the sample of ritual bathing pool for royal family. Another ancient heritage tour is Brahu temple it is about twenty minutes drive to the north west of Tikus Temple. Brahu Temple is well-known about the cremations ashes of King Brawijaya. Wringin Lawang Temple, it is a sample a split gateway of that area which can be visited in this area, close to the main Mojokerto Surabaya road.

Just take this ancient trip on Mojokerto then feel like you were in ancient time.


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