Kraton Yogyakarta | Ancient Javanese Palace | Yogyakarta

Kraton Yogyakarta Ancient Javanese Palace

Kraton Yogyakarta Ancient Javanese Palace
Kraton Yogyakarta | Ancient Javanese Palace | Yogyakarta - Historical tourism here, find one of the great palace in Indonesia. Yogyakarta as the tourist destination will serve you with great historical tourism. Find the ancient palace here, then find the peaceful atmosphere here as they wander around the palace grounds.

When you take this Kraton Yogyakarta trip you can feel how beautiful Indonesia culture. Find musical and also theatrical performances there. Inside you will get one of most impressive structures the splendid Bangsal Kencono or ‘golden throne pavilion’. This majestic structure is an excellent example of Javanese artistry and reflects the religious and cultural diversity of the region. The roof of the pavilion is decorated in a red Hindu pattern, with gold Buddhist lotus petals at the base, while the pillars are decorated in green and gold Arabic calligraphy quoting the Quran. Surely you can find excitement here.
Kraton Yogyakarta Javanese Palace

Here the information about Kraton Yogyakarta

  • This trip surely take on foot, you explore the palace on foot.
  • Just do not have any worries, you can find any guides that will help you.
  • Kraton Yogyakarta is open from 08.30 am to 12.30 pm except on Fridays and Saturdays which it closes at 11.00 am. It is closed in the afternoons.
  • This ancient palace is located in the centre of Yogyakarta, you can reach the Kraton Yogyakarta by taxi, becak, horse drawn cart (andong), or by bus.
Kraton Yogyakarta Ancient Javanese Palace

Kraton Yogyakarta Ancient Javanese Palace

    Important Tips about Kraton Yogyakarta trip

    1. Surely it is A SACRED PLACE, so you hate to wear respectful dress.
    2. Gamelan orchestra and traditional dance rehearsals and performances take place throughout the week.
    3. On the last Sunday of each month a wayang kulit (shadow puppet play) demonstration is held at the palace.



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