Sail Belitung 2011 | Sail Indonesia

Sail Belitung 2011

Sail Belitung 2011 | Sail Indonesia - Come and join the great Indonesia voyage. Sail Belitung 2011 is a part of Sail Indonesia which flagged off at the Darwin Port in Australia on July 25th then sailing north west to take part in the Sail Wakatobi excitments. In Sail Belitung you can see more exciting events like Yacht Rally and a Yacht Race, Jet Ski attractions, a fishing competition, and an attempt to break the Guinness World Record in an Underwater Chess Match.

Sail Belitung will take place at the Tanjung Kelayang beach from 5-12 October 2011, just find great excitement starting from Jet Ski Attractions, Sea Food and Fish products exhibition, a Singapore-Belitung Cruise, a National Fishing Competition, a National diving competition,  a Marine and Kites Festival, Fishing boats parade, underwater photography competition, and a unique attempt to create the first ever Guinness World Record in an Underwater Chess match. Beside that, there will be the President Cup competition for the best Barongsai or Lion Dance, Nasik Strait Swimming Competition, and the Asia Pacific Beach Volley Competition. What a joys on Sail Belitung 2011.

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